Autism Diagnostic and Treatment Center
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), also known as autism, is a group of pervasive developmental disorders originated in early childhood and characterized by social interaction and communication disorders, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors. With the autism diagnosis and treatment outpatient services as a starting point, Kangning strives to build a specialized program covering diagnosis, rehabilitation, treatment and clinical research of autism spectrum disorder, as well as a rehabilitation center combining clinical practice and psychoeducation focusing on autistic children’s diagnosis & treatment and rehabilitation education. The team is committed to the principle to integrate medical intervention with special education for treatment and training.
The “integration of medicine and education” intervention model is adopted to organically integrate medical diagnosis with rehabilitation, special education and psychological and behavioral modification to increase autistic patients’ possibility of recovery, well-being, independent living, normal cognition, adaptability and social skills.
Education and training - to provide psychoeducation and rehabilitation services for autistic children to help develop their full potential;
Family education - to help parents recognize the special characteristics of autistic children and improve their parenting skills;
Inclusion enhancement - to explore methods of inclusive education to reach children and families with special needs;
Social mobilization - to promote public education and training, raise societal awareness of overall developmental disorders including children's autism, and advocate for the acceptance of and respect for this particular special group of population at societal level and provide social humanistic care;
Evaluation support - Autism spectrum disorder was included in China's list of disabled persons in 2005. The department strives to perfect is evaluation procedures to help families obtain possible subsidies and support.