Corporate Governance
The list of the board of directors and the duties and functions of the directors
Executive Directors

Mr. GUAN Weili (Chairman)

Ms. WANG Lianyue

Ms. WANG Hongyue

Non-executive Directors

Mr. YANG Yang

Mr. LIN Lijun

Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. ZHAO Xudong

Ms. ZHONG Wentang

Mr. LIU Ning

Strategy and Risk

Management Committee

Mr. GUAN Weili (Chairman)

Mr. LIN Lijun

Ms. ZHONG Wentang

Remuneration Committee

Mr. ZHAO Xudong (Chairman)

Ms. ZHONG Wentang

Mr. LIU Ning

Nomination Committee

Mr. LIU Ning (Chairman)

Mr. ZHAO Xudong

Mr. GUAN Weili

Audit Committee

Ms. ZHONG Wentang (Chairman)

Mr. LIU Ning

Mr. YANG Yang

Board of supervisors
